Hearts, cupid, red candy, flowers, and chocolates – these are a few things that mark that February 14th has arrived. Valentine’s Day traditions began with Saint Valentine in ancient Rome, who was killed for aiding prisoners. Some legends state that Valentine signed his last parting words to his lover “from your Valentine,” thus beginning the tradition of Valentine’s Day. Whatever legend you believe in, you can celebrate in ways that are different from the norm.
Here are some ideas of how to celebrate this holiday that you can partake in alone, with friends, or loved ones.
Who needs a significant other to get some relaxation and pampering? Go get that much needed mani/pedi or splurge and get a massage or go to a local hot spring. If you don’t have a nearby hot spring, many cities have bathhouses open to the public. If you can’t find a bathhouse, then draw yourself a bath at home and mix in some Epsom salts and lavender essential oil for the ultimate relaxation experience.
Our hearts do so much for us every day, like getting blood from your head to your toe. Go for a hike, participate in a fun run, or take a long stroll around your neighborhood. Getting at least 20-30 minutes of exercise daily is great for your health and your heart. Extra credit if you eat super health on Valentine’s Day and “gift” friends or family with alternative healthy gifts like bouquets of fresh fruit, bunches of carrots, or anything else you can think up.
Studies have shown that your own happiness increases the more you give to others. This Valentine’s Day, don’t make it about yourself, rather focus on what you could do for someone else. Take some time to volunteer at an animal shelter, give out sweets or treats to everyone at work, hand out flowers on the street – anything you can do to brighten someone’s day.
Get out of your normal routine and head out to a park, another city you’ve always wanted to check out, or (since Valentine’s Day is on a weekend) hop out of town on the cheapest flight you can find. Getting outside is great for your vitamin D intake, creating new brain synapses, and can even help you get out of a creative slump. Not to mention the thrill and excitement of being somewhere new. Get some friends and throw together a picnic and it will definitely be an outing to remember.
However you decided to celebrate this February holiday, focus on spreading the love.