At Kuli Kuli we believe it’s important to have a close and cohesive team and so once a quarter we hold a team retreat to be out of office with the whole team to do fun activities and to regain our focus of where we’re heading to as organization.
We left on Thursday 25th of February during the afternoon to Napa Valley to spend 2 days at the vineyard with the whole team. It’s a two hour drive and we left around 1pm, so we had the whole afternoon and evening that day to do some team bonding. We began with a workshop of one of the founders and Chief Operations Officer Valerie, who gave us a broader insight of our supply chain and our brand ambassadors. We had some nice moringa snacks (like moringa guacamole and chips) and some white wine of the vineyard. It was a great workshop to involve others to her profession and to brainstorm about how to improve our operations. It was also great for our new team members to learn more about the operations and scaling side of Kuli Kuli. After this interesting workshop we prepared a nice moringa inspired dinner for the whole team. We enjoyed the moringa enchilladas (recipe will be on the blog soon) while drinking some more wine and discussing some table questions as: “Who would you choose to be your table guest?” This was a fun way to get to know each other outside the office as we extended our consisting team with some new team members. After our delicious dinner we sat by the fireplace and did a SWOT analysis. Everyone shared his or her strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. It was very interesting to learn more about the person professionally and how we complement each other, but also how we can help each other out. Then we did a SWOT analysis for Kuli Kuli to give us all a heads up of who we are as an organization and who we want to be. After an inspiring day and a lot of fun we headed to bed to prepare ourselves for another fun day!
On Friday we started the day with some optional morning exercise, we went for a run in the hills. After this exercise we all sat down in the family room to enjoy some moringa scrambled eggs and moringa pancakes (recipe online soon!). We all had a delicious and big breakfast, which was enough fuel for us for the whole morning. We started with a digital marketing workshop, which gave us an insight in our website, blog and social media data and analytics. We brainstormed about cohesive themes for the upcoming months and we came up with ideas to improve our current digital marketing strategy. After the workshop we had a little break and then we had an interesting workshop of our founder & CEO Lisa Curtis. She gave us an insight in the sales timeline of in which stores we are now and in which stores we want to be by the end of 2016. We discussed and brainstormed of how to improve our current sales strategy to make it more efficient and effective. After this inspiring morning we had a delicious fajitas lunch with a moringa smoothie (recipe online soon!). We ended that day with a recap of the team retreat with follow up points for the upcoming weeks. We also did a gratitude potluck to give everyone a heads up of why we appreciate them as a person. This was a really nice way to end our team retreat, because everyone felt really satisfied, inspired and appreciated.
Everyone really enjoyed the team retreat and we’re already looking forward to our next team retreat in June!
Too cute! What a productive retreat. I wish I could have been there!