Summer is here and with it brings ice cold sodas, BBQs, and addictive (read: uncontrollable) snacking. At least I know that I tend to get the munchies during this time of year. So in celebration of tomorrow’s Spinach Day, here is a healthy summer twist on the classic guacamole recipe made with moringa and spinach- a delicious way to get a natural nutritional boost.

How much of a nutritional boost, you ask? Well, just 1 tbsp (1 single serving packet) of Pure Moringa Powder contains 1 full serving of veggies, 20% Daily Value (DV) Vitamin A, 15%DV Calcium, 50% DV Iron, 12%DV Dietary Fiber to your diet. This guacamole recipe contains 2 of these packets in addition to all the wonderful spinach, tomatoes, onions, and avocados.

Can’t get healthier or tastier than that!

Moringa Spinach Guacamole

Ingredients, for guacamole dip:
5 ripe avocados
2 ripe roma tomatoes
1 red onion
2 cups fresh spinach, chopped and drained
2 tablespoon Pure Moringa Powder (2 single serving packets)
½ head of garlic, or to taste
3 tablespoon lemon juice, to taste
Salt, Pepper to taste


1. Dice tomatoes, red onion, and garlic into a large bowl and mix with chopped spinach.
2. Add diced avocados and mash coarsely.
3. Add Pure Moringa Powder and mix until evenly incorporated.
4. Add lemon juice, salt, and pepper to taste.
5. Chill and enjoy with moringa chips! (Moringa Chips recipe below.)


Moringa Chips

Ingredients, for chips:
1 pack of fresh corn tortilla (about 8-10 tortillas)
1 tablespoon Pure Moringa Powder (1 single serving packet)
2 cup of oil
Salt and pepper, to taste


1. Slice tortillas into desired chip sizes.
2. In a deep pan, heat oil until 350 degrees F.
3. Fry tortilla slices until golden brown.
4. Drain on paper towel and set aside to cool.
5. In a large bowl, sprinkle chips with Pure Moringa Powder, salt, and pepper to taste. Toss until evenly coated.
6. Store chips in an airtight container to prevent from going stale. Or just eat it all.

You can find many more yummy moringa recipes on our blog!