For me, the last couple of days seem to have blended and blurred together. Seems like we’re all enduring a global kick in the coconuts. Each of us are digesting, handling and coping with a scary and unknown situation. It has unleashed a flurry of emotions that oftentimes take us on a rollercoaster ride with highs and lows.

In many ways, this pandemic feels like a never ending hurricane. And I live in Miami, so I would know.

Hurricane Logic

The difference between this current global stress and a hurricane is this: we can’t track it on radar, we won’t hear the wind howling, and we can’t go back outside after a few weeks. In this way, our much-needed and current shelter-in-place is like… seven or eight back-to-back-to-back hurricanes. 

So where is the good news? Well, many of us will have consistent electricity. We’ll be able to stay in touch, binge Netflix and keep the freezer cold. What else can we do? Follow the shelter guidelines. Control what we can. And try to manage our stress.

I was born in earthquake country (Mexico City), raised in earthquake country (Los Angeles) and have spent the last 15 years in hurricane country (Miami). Collectively, I’ve endured 4 major earthquakes and 7+ major hurricanes. We too, will get through this… together. And yes, it is overwhelming. 


3 Tips For Food Planning and “Storms”

Take it from me: there is no need for hoarding, but there is a need for mindful food planning. In my home, we keep it simple. We make a food plan for the week, and use the following system:

  1. First, finish what’s in the fridge. 
  2. Next, move to the freezer food and eat accordingly.
  3. Lastly, it’s time for the canned goodsyour “shelf-stable” supply.   

    Moringa smoothie routine

    Moringa smoothie routine

We are not anticipating any shortages of food in grocery stores, but we may need more patience as the supply chain works extra hard to replace the items. It can be hard not to binge eat and stress eat too. My kryptonite is tortilla chips…. 

In these last couple weeks, I’m glad that I continue my routineone that includes exercise three times a week, followed by a power smoothie afterwards. My dream smoothie is always full of fruit (fresh or frozen), water, and almond milk. For my boost, I add flax seed, moringa powder and chocolate protein powder.

For me, as a long-term fan and consumer of moringa, I noticed moringa has helped to decrease the inflammation in my knees, lower my cholesterol, and provide me with long-lasting energy. Also, it’s shelf-stable, so I know I can have access to greens that won’t go bad. To me, this is a comfort during uncertain times. 


Last Tip: Keep Those Connections  

Now that things have slowed down somewhat, I have some other ways I stay calm in this storm. I’m reaching out to friends more, across time zones, and calling them. Just  hearing their voices, catching up, remembering about the old days, and being silly helps me find some sense of normalcyeven if it’s just for a few moments in time.

I hope these ideas help clear the clutter or stress of “food shopping” and preparation. Remember, we will get through this. It’s like a… long-lasting hurricane. We must stay strong, stay safe, and add normalcy to our liveswherever it fits. 

Staying Calm in the Storm

Staying Calm in the Storm


How do you stay calm in the storm, be it a hurricane or longer-term global stress? Feel free to leave your comments below. We’d love to hear from you.


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