Moringa vs Collard Greens
This week on Battle of the Greens we have Collard Greens against our two-time winning Moringa! This kale cousin is known for its bitter, thick, green leaves popular in Southern cooking. And, although, collard greens have strong roots in the histories of the ancient Greek and Roman times, let’s see how strong they really are compared with moringa.
Moringa takes the win (again) by a shocking landslide score of 9 vs 2, bringing moringa’s total wins to 3 out of 3 rounds! With one more round to go before the FINAL BATTLE, will moringa take the crown for the Ultimate Superfood of All? Keep your eye out for our next round of Battle of the Greens!
Previous Battle of the Greens Installments:
Round 1: Moringa vs. Matcha
Round 2: Moringa vs. Spinach
About the Author:
Ada Yim is a Californian self-proclaimed foodie, a gastronaut, and a food scientist. She graduated from the University of California, Davis with a B.S. in Food Science, the Gemological Institute of America Graduate Diamonds Program, and Mel’s Tea Academy as a Tea Taster and Tea Grader. She understands health and nutrition and believes the fine balance is everything in moderation. She enjoys a good food pun and is super excited to be writing for Kuli Kuli! So, lettuce turnip the beet and get this party started! For more articles by Ada, click here!
Good job. I look forward to planting my own Moringa oleifera plants and sensitizing my community about its use
We are glad you liked it! And good luck to you!