1. Set aside at least 30 minutes a day to exercise.

Come on, you owe it to yourself after studying and reading all day. Also, let’s be honest, were you going to be studying the entire day, or on Netflix catching up on the latest shows? Exercise is a great way to keep a stress-free mind and will help you to always stay in control of your -mind and body. If you’re feeling tense and need to wind down, try some yoga! Feeling like you are unstoppable or have a mission to complete? Check out a cardio kickboxing or cross training class. Feel like you just need some “me” time? Do your own thing at the gym or , go for a jog. There’s lots of evidence to suggest that a run as little as five minutes can help you in the long run in preventing heart disease. Enjoy the weather while helping your body!

2. Sweet Potato Fries

This is a life saver. Everyone knows you can’t just have a burger by itself–, that’s so sad! . Then again, regular fries or potato chips really aren’t the nicest thing to add if you’re worried about your waistline. But don’t  hinder yourself from enjoying your meal; you will probably get hungry again later. Sweet potato fries are a great way to have your cake and eat it too. Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t permission for a fried food free- for- all. The fiber content in sweet potato fries is significantly higher than in normal potato fries and they’re packed with Vitamin A and Potassium. Don’t ever cut yourself off from your favorite things, just be smart about it!

3. Sleep is NOT for the weak!

A lot of times, a full night’s rest can become a foreign concept to college students everywhere. Irregular schedules can be cycled by naps here and there with a day ending at two or three in the morning and waking up at 7 the next day. You may be superhuman and be able to last for a few days or weeks like this, but eventually, your body will want to press the pause button. Sleep deprivation can be toxic and can affect your learning abilities in memory and retention, can promote bad eating habits, and can put you in the running for many chronic diseases. So, try to get a good night’s sleep at least 3 times a week during the weekdays, and make sure to rest up on the weekends.

4. Eat breakfast- even if it’s a grab- n- go type of day.

Not only will you perform better in class, you will feel better. Breakfast really kick starts your day and can get you in the right mindset. If you chow down when you wake up you will be more likely to make more conscience eating decisions throughout the rest of the day. It’s often hard to wake up an extra hour before class to make time for the meal when busy schedules come into play. Try to keep some oatmeal and other healthier options in your dorm for a quick get out of bed, grab-, and- go meal. No amount of work or stress should ever push you to skip meals.


Water is great; it makes up the majority of our bodies, improves concentration, and is a zero calorie way toof staying hydrated. Try to carry a personal water bottle around for handy purposes. You’ll always have something to drink and it’s a lot cheaper and more environmentally friendly than buying and wasting plastic water bottles all the time. It also is great for your hair, skin, and body. To boost hair health, try out some Argan oil as well! Also it’s easy to find water everywhere on college campuses! And, did I mention it’s free?

6. Be familiar with your health center

Your health is the most important thing in your life. Schooling is secondary as it becomes so much harder to focus when you’re really sick. Always know where your student health center is on campus just in case you ever need it, you won’t be sorry!