moringa breakfast burritos

Here at Kuli Kuli, we know moringa is the best way to start your day. Check out this new twist on breakfast burritos, and be sure to try them before the Moringa Recipe Contest poll opens on March 3rd!

Recipe: Moringa Breakfast Burritos

Chef: Heather, IL


3 tbsp. of Kuli Kuli Moringa Powder Heather1

7 cups of wheat flour

1 tsp. of salt

1 cup of oil or butter



Desired burrito ingredients (in this case, onions, garlic, tomatoes, & peppers)



  1. Combine flour, salt, Moringa, and oil or butter in bowl
  2. Add water and stir until dough reaches a roll-able pie crust-like consistency
  3. Form golf-sized balls and using a floured surface, roll balls out into thin flat circles
  4. Cook on oil frying pan


  1. Mix eggs, Moringa and desired omelet ingredients into bowl
  2. Pour into frying pan, on low-medium heat. Stir until cooked. Should be no longer than a few minutes.
  3. Serve with tortillas burrito style and add some hot sauce for an extra kick – olé!


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