Meet Sarah Pflugradt—the first in our #MyMoringaRoutine series! Sarah’s a registered dietitian, the founder of Salubrious RD, and author of Balance: Simple Recipes for the Cook Who Loves All Food. She’s also a regular writer for LIVESTRONG.com and Real Food and Health magazine, and a college instructor at Southwestern Illinois College and Park University where she inspires her students to live their healthiest life.
Here’s how Sarah has incorporated moringa into her daily routine:
First Things First—Water + Coffee
“I am definitely a routine girl. I like to wake up at the same time each day, 5:30 a.m. I start my day the same way, drinking two glasses of water. Two. One because I wake up feeling dehydrated and the second is insurance for the coffee I’m about to drink. I’m a human mom and a dog mom, so after my first glass of water, I let the dog out. Then, it’s lunch making for 3, while the coffee brews.”
Next up? Breakfast
“After that, it’s my own 30 minutes. I will usually pour a cup of coffee and check email and Facebook for anything pressing. My breakfast varies depending on my mood and what my workout or work schedule will look like for the day. If I’m going to run or if I’m gearing up for a busy workday, I like to fuel up with a smoothie or fresh carrot/apple juice with eggs. I always include protein.”
Finally, Add Some Moringa
“I love the new Moringa Greens & Protein smoothie in dark chocolate with milk, banana, and ice – it’s pretty dang delicious. I also use the pure moringa powder in my energy bar recipe. Check out my recipe.”
What’s your #MyMoringaRoutine? Comment below!