Moringa has gained recognition from grocery stores and celebrities across the country. Recently, Naomi Campbell and Martha Stewart also cited moringa as a powerful way to nourish and energize the whole body, as well as support greater immune health. Eating moringa everyday might be the new change that your daily routine needs. But why is moringa specifically good for women?
We break it down into several main points in this article. If you’re curious about overall reasons to consume moringa, we summarized it for you in the blog 10 Reasons To Eat Moringa Everyday.
Moringa is a superfood that has nourished women for thousands of years, and several studies suggest that it is a vital piece of overall women’s health.
Why is Moringa Good for Women?
The health benefits of moringa are well-documented, with additional research on its benefits released each year. It’s called “the miracle tree” in many cultures around the world, and for good reason! We’ll cover some of the essential benefits below.
1. Moringa is Like a Multivitamin
What we feed our bodies also feeds the systems that compose our bodies. Moringa is high in vitamins A, C, E and a handful of B vitamins. These vitamins are known as the “antioxidant vitamins” and they help combat illness and infection. Vitamins A and E also help keep cells healthy, and prevent cellular mutations.
If you want to learn more about the role of these vitamins and the immune system, we offer a great article on The Science Behind Nourishing Immunity.
Adding to that, vitamin E is a helpful tool with PMS. That ever-familiar bloated and groggy feeling each month? Moringa might help with some of those symptoms. Vitamin E is also one of those vitamins that help with skin, hair and nail health. That’s why some people are using moringa in their homemade face masks.
Women need ample B vitamins to help prevent fatigue and boost cognitive function. B vitamins work with other vitamins to turn calories into energy, by way of increasing metabolism. Moringa is a good source of vitamins B1, B2 and B3, more than any other plant source. One scoop of moringa is like a scoop of plant-rich energy.
One serving of moringa has four times the calcium of milk, four times the vitamin A of carrots, and three times the potassium of bananas. We cover this in depth in our Battle of the Greens article, which covers the comparative profile of moringa.
Calcium is important to help prevent osteoporosis and heart disease. Iron deficiency is one of the most common deficiencies among young women and can lead to anemia. Plant-based protein helps your basic cell structures remain healthy and robust. Potassium helps maintain a healthy heart, muscle strength and a strong metabolism. It also helps against anxiety and stress, which seems to be like the problem du joir for our generation.
2. Moringa is a Mood Enhancer
Some days simply need a mood enhancement, and moringa can helps with that. In times of stress, it’s reassuring to have a quick, easy way to get the nutrients we need as women—especially during uncertain times.
How does moringa affect mood? It’s complicated, but we’ll summarize the key points. It’s important to remember that there’s no one superfood that is a “cure-all” for overall health. Sustained, daily habits build long-term health. It’s the collection of these habits that help with overall feelings of vitality and wellness. Moringa is just one piece of that puzzle!

Follow-up your exercise with a moringa smoothie for a double boost.
Moringa can help balance our neurotransmitters and in turn, uplift our mood. How? Neurotransmitters are the chemicals that communicate to your brain how to function and which parts of the brain should be working.
One study reveals how moringa helps with the release of serotonin, a key neurotransmitter associated with mood, memory and the stress response system. Much like exercise releases a bucket of neurotransmitters in your brain—and thus help life your mood and combat stress—moringa can help your brain release serotonin.
This factor, combined with the antioxidant factors of moringa, can help fight oxidative stress. Whether the stress is from looming deadlines, uncertain times, or environmental stressors, moringa might help your overall wellness.
3. Moringa Can Get The Mood Going
Moringa has been found as a sort of aphrodisiac and performance enhancer in bed. Scientists aren’t exactly sure how this is happening, but part of the theory is that moringa may reduce the stress hormones. When we are less stressed, we are more likely to be in the mood for other pleasures. Th overall nutrient-density of moringa may also help with this; when we eat foods that are rich in vitamins, we are more likely to have the energy to engage in more physical activities.
Moringa also helps block the brain activities responsible for sexual dysfunction, and helps increase testosterone in the brain; testoserone is not just a hormone for men. Another study found that moringa extract increased blood flow in the sexual organs for both males and females.
If this isn’t some kind of mood enhancer then I don’t know what is. Why not make moringa smoothies part of your daily routine?
4. Moringa is rich in iron
Anemia is a condition when the blood doesn’t have enough healthy red blood cells or hemoglobin to transport oxygen to the body’s cell.
Anemia often results in fatigue, lightheadedness, and shortness of breath. The condition currently affects 3.5 million Americans. Recent studies suggest that moringa leaves may be better at improving iron sufficiency than conventional iron supplements.
One tablespoon of moringa leaf powder provides an excellent source of iron. Moringa also has 7 times the amount of iron as spinach. Making sure you have an iron-rich diet can be as easy as adding a scoop of moringa to your daily smoothie.
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends screening for iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women, but not in other groups, according to this article. Anemia affects women more often than men; however, men benefit from consuming iron-rich foods too!
5. Moringa is a Lactation Enhancer
Multiple studies have shown that moringa can increase the amount of breast milk produced by new moms. In one study, new moms who were given 350mg of moringa per day produced significantly more breast milk than those given a placebo.
Moringa not only increases the amount of breast milk produced by new mothers, but it also makes enriches the nutritional quality of breast milk. Moringa is also high in vitamin A, a nutrient of significant importance to newborn babies.
In West Africa, new mothers harness moringa’s nutritional benefits by adding it to breast milk to fulfill infant nutrient requirements. For more on moringa as a lactation enhancer, check out this blog post where we explore it in depth.
Wrapping up
Moringa has been used for centuries as a way to get the key nutrients we need to thrive. Before modern-day labs, our ancestors recognized the medicinal properties of moringa. Today, science is starting to come forth with repeated tests that affirm moringa’s amazing nutritional portfolio. It’s been called the “miracle tree” across many cultures for good reason!
Moringa is an incredible asset to women’s health and is easy to add to a daily routine. Try adding one-two teaspoons of moringa at first, blended into a smoothie. Check out our blog for some recipe ideas on how to easily incorporate moringa into your diet too!
Now that you know how great moringa is for women, you may also wonder how moringa benefits men. Be sure to check out this blog’s brother post on Why Moringa is Good for Men.
At Kuli Kuli, we believe that moringa is one piece of the larger health puzzle. Has moringa helped you find the energy you need? Let us know in the comments!
Follow us @kulikulifoods so we can see some of your favorite ways to add this energizing superfood to your daily routine.
This is absolutely fabulous. Well done on writing such valued information in regards to Moringa. I sell Moringa in Australia and it is very hard to find good information regarding the benefits of Moringa. Excellent read and excellent article. Well done!
Hi Joel,
Thank you so much for reading! We are glad you enjoyed it! Be sure to check out our All About Moringa page too find more valuable information:
Thanks so much for this priceless information!! I just learned of this herbal today! Everyday of life is a day of continued learning!! I will be adding this to my diet daily!
Hi Angela, we’re so happy to hear that!! It’s the most amazing plant, with so many benefits! 🙂
Can i take in sugar and without Dr permission beacuse I am first time
Please i want to be partner to kuli kuli moringa farmer.
Thank you for your interest. We have very strict sourcing standards. Please provide a detailed inquiry via our contact us page.
Shireen Ayoob Ravat
Hi how much for your moringa?
Hi Joen! Our moringa products vary in price. Our organic pure moringa powder (7 oz) is $22.99, and you can view all available products and prices on our website here!
Great work
I also want farm moringa plant and partner with kuli kuli moringa farmer
Thank you for your interest. We have very strict sourcing standards. Please provide a detailed inquiry via our contact us page.
Hi everyone,I would like to be the Agent,selling Moringa Powder,I know many people who are sick and I am sure Moringa can save their lives
Thank you for your interest. We have very strict sourcing standards. Please provide a detailed inquiry via our contact us page.
Hi Moringa Team. I would like to sell these products to the community where I leave as I know a lot of people is suffering from athritis and needs these products.
Hi Ntokozo Nzama
I would like to partner with Kuikuli farmfood.
Hi, I am a thallasaemic trait and wish to know if moringa can benefit me. I was told by my doctor that i could not take vitamins that contains too much iron in it. Since moringa is a natural food that do contain a lot of iron in it, could this in any way be harmful for a thallasaemic trait person like me? Thank you.
Hi Julie,
Yes it is true that moringa contains a considerable amount of iron. Since we are not medical professionals, we recommend that you bring any medical concerns directly to your doctor!
I have beta thallasemia. It seem to be ok when I ingest moringa in moderation not everyday. Otherwise I get the most awful headaches!
Hi Julie, thanks for reaching out! We always suggest you listen to your body and specific needs, and we also always recommend reaching out to health professionals if you have further questions about moringa and beta thallasemia too.
I have a tree of the Moringa, and sometime i just eat the leaf and can say that Moringa will help you get a good night sleep. And i must that i am a vegan so i try to get all vitamin the best way i can..
It’s true – moringa is a great source of vitamins for a vegan diet! Thanks for reading, Joyce!
Hi. i started to use moringa capsules recently. I need to gain my weight . can moringa help me to weight gain? please reply.
Hello! I am looking through the different Moringa powder options that I have online. Prices vary significantly. I know organic is the way to go (obviously). But my biggest question is: Why is there such a big difference in the “serving size” for this product (yours) versus others. At least two I found say 2 TBSP with 1g protein per serving but yours is a lot less, or it seems that way, with more protein. Can you explain to me the difference and/or why that is so? Please and thank you!
Hi Yvonne,
This may be due to the purity of other moringa powders verses Kuli Kuli Pure Moringa Vegetable Powder. Kuli Kuli uses only the leaves of the moringa tree, whereas other moringa powder products may contain steams or other parts of the tree. At Kuli Kuli, we believe using only the leaves gives a much higher quality and more nutritious product!
Hi is moringa work as immune boost? Please help because I always eat moringa powder and when i ate it i go to toilet often to pass urine
Since moringa is a very nutrient dense plant and since a good diet can contribute to a better immune system, it is possible that moringa may help increase immunity. Check out a recent post on a moringa “health shot.”
I haven’t try using it. For these wonderful write up on moringa. I will surely start using it. Hi how does it taste? Bitter, sweet or sour?
Moringa has a very earthy, green taste! I would say it tastes similar to spinach or kale. Thanks for reading!
Is mornings good for women sexualty?
Hi Ktie;
I love the idea to improve people’s lives with Moringa. I just found your site and this is fabulous,and wonderful. Can you tell me how can I start.
I will order now the Moringa powder to try it. Thank you for your blog it’s very interesting and beautiful.
Cristina S.
I would like to ask about this interesting natural herb…Can moringa help one to get pregnant??
The first time I took a moringa supplement (not this one) I had mild orgasms for a few minutes. Needless to say, I was startled. Have continued to take them, but it has not happened again.
I also grow Moringa in zimbabwe, it is very nutritious, and help boost immune system.
Yes, an immune system works well when supported by good nutrition! Thanks for reading!
Hi how can i order kulikuli moringa powder ?
You can order moringa through Kuli Kuli’s website here.
I have just started taking moringa in tea form am yet to see how it works but the taste is so cool
We are glad you are enjoying moringa so far!
i have a silly question, can i take moringa while on birth control?
or this isn’t recommend? i have heard many wonderful testimonies but i’m not sure if it will have an effect on my birth control implant(implanon)method .
Hi Stephanie,
We would recommend that you consult a doctor for this question. Since we are not medical professionals, we cannot speak on moringa’s interaction with other medications or birth control.
Seems morenga is really beneficial. I come across articles that say overexposure to moringa can act as a contraceptive and even led to miscarriages. Is this in relation to the root or does it apply to the root and leaves?
My wife has Polycystic ovary syndrome, is moringa helpful for her?
Since we are not medical professionals, we cannot give specific advice on the treatment of specific medical conditions. Please seek the consultation of your doctor for this concern!
There are 100% pure moringa capsules in genuine a company. How I can sell them.. It’s price Srilankan Rupees 1300 per bottle (90 capsules)
Thank you.
Can moringa help to open my fallopian tubes to get pregnant? I belive if it cleans blood it will also help me fall pregnant.
moringa contains two times the amount of protein of yogurt, four times the amount of vitamin A as carrots, three times the amount of potassium as bananas, four times the amount of calcium as cows’ milk, seven times the amount of vitamin C as oranges
There is video of moringa in youtube well narrated about moringa
Can moringa tea interfere sperm quality when trying to make my wife pregnant
Thanks for this valuable information on Moringa. I live in Liberia and didn’t know the value of Moringa for women. Now that I know, Moringa becomes part of my daily recipes.
We’re so glad to hear that! It is such an incredible “miracle tree!”
Thank you marquis, for this excellent article for rising awareness and health wellness to mankind. Moringa is indeed an miracle plant and posses so much benefits for human beings. Its roots, leaves, flowers and drumsticks are loaded with essential vitamins. There are thirteen varieties of moringa but the moringa oleifera is most beneficial. It the African variety with thick dark long leaves.
Its great benefit to use for females to cope with iron and calcium deficiency.
I read your blog, its an excellent blog. Its very informative and helpful. I recommend this blog to anyone who wants to know about various benefits of moringa.
Since this moringa product only contains the leaves is it safe for use during pregnancy? I assume it is but wanted to ask
Great information on the amazing benefits of Moringa powder. Well done.
Great information on the benefits especially for the benefits for women. It can also really help for hormonal imbalance challenges.
I’ve been taking moringa powder for 5yrs now, it’s has benefitted me a lot am for 40yrs and I look younger than my age