This week brings us another installment of our Battle of the Greens. Our next contender against our all-time winning moringa is kelp! Kelp is the acclaimed “kale of the sea” and NPR’s “The Salt” calls it the next veggie du jour. Without further ado, let’s take a look at moringa vs kelp!
The Results are In
Womp womp womp. Now that is an epic loss; kelp didn’t stand a chance.
And that wraps up it all up for the Battle of the Greens series.
Our champion, by way of total, complete domination against some of the top superfoods in today’s market is Moringa oleifera!
OBS! That is not true!!! The information about the kelp is fake!
Kelp cointain up to 40 gram fiber dried, and protein og brown algea can go to 15 gram!! I have not check for the other information!!
The vitamin A entries for moringa on the morninga vs wheat grass page and the morninga vs kelp page is different