Peach smoothie ingredients.

The month of July celebrates a favorite snack of many people both young and old – ice cream!  Nothing says summer like an ice cold snack, and since Friday, July 17th is dedicated to peach flavored ice cream, it seemed only fitting to whip up a sweet treat for you all.

How about a healthy vegan alternative using your favorite health food powder?  This version is vegan, to make it accessible to everyone, but feel free to use your favorite milk products.  Greek yogurt will get you the best consistency!Peaches & "Cream" Moringa Smoothie


  • 6 oz almond milk (substitute with any milk of choice)
  • 1 peach – cut fruit, remove pitt
  • ½ banana
  • 3 Tbsp coconut yogurt (or other yogurt, can also substitute cashews if you have a strong blender)
  • 1 Tbsp moringa powder
  • 1 tsp chia, flax, or hemp seeds
  • 3 tsp agave (honey, for non-vegans)
  • 1 cup of ice

Put all your ingredients into a blender, blend until smooth.  Have a peachy day!

If you’ve got an ice cream maker, I encourage you to blend peaches, full fat coconut milk, honey, moringa, and some natural fruit juice (preferably citrus like orange or lemons) and make peach ice cream with it.  Life’s a peach when you’ve got an ice cream machine!

You can find many more yummy moringa recipes on our blog!