It’s a new year and it’s time again to update our dear readers on the Kuli Kuli blogging line up. Our bloggers come from far and wide to put together an informative array of content on your favorite topics like nutrition, healthy lifestyle trends, and delicious moringa recipes. You can click on any blogger’s name to view an archive of their articles, but keep in mind that Jessica and Josie are new. We are looking forward to a blog-tastic 2016, so without further ado, meet the Kuli Kuli Bloggers!
Jessica is a wellness buff with a particular interest in nutrition and healthy living who loves sharing her passion with others. Though she is a strong proponent of a plant-based lifestyle, she’s an even stronger believer that there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to nutrition; she loves exploring different ways nourish the body (and mind!) with whole foods and superfoods. Jessica graduated with a B.A. in Journalism, and is also certified as a Thai Massage Practitioner. She looks forward to continuing her education with certifications in the nutrition and fitness fields. In the meantime, she enjoys bartending on the beach in southern California, experimenting in the kitchen, paddle boarding and cuddling with her cat. In addition to writing for the Kuli Kuli Blog, Jessica is also a Kuli Kuli Brand Ambassador.
Dave graduated from the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England with a Master’s Degree in Environmental Sciences. He started as a Blogger for Kuli Kuli in July, 2014 and currently works as Kuli Kuli’s Co-Blog Editor alongside Katie Kossow. As a fitness and sustainability enthusiast, he is always excited to learn more about healthy, nutritious foods which can have a positive impact on both human health and our planet. His journey into eating superfoods began after reading vegan ultra-marathoner Scott Jurek’s book, ‘Eat and Run’. Dave is in love with travelling and exploring all of the beautiful natural wonders the world has to offer. He’s been learning Mandarin for about two years and is currently training for his third Tough Mudder!
Amanda was innately drawn to Kuli Kuli because she saw an opportunity to exercise her love for writing by kindling responsibility, passion and awareness in others. Graduating from Umass Amherst with degrees in Psychology, Asian Studies and Public health, she wanted to learn more about food justice, so she immersed herself in different agricultural experiences. After working on organic farms, teaching and traveling to India, it became readily apparent how social justice, nutrition and sustainability are all inter-connected. Her recent adventures include taking a medicinal mushroom course, harvesting wild seaweed in Maine and learning about sustainable beekeeping in Jamaica. She dreams of teaching sustainable agriculture to underprivileged women and owning a small farm. Besides eating logs of cheese, Amanda enjoys rock-climbing, sipping whiskey and watching foreign films. She can often be found curled in an armchair reading Tom Robbins, grooving to Stevie Wonder or eagerly ambling towards the nearest thrift store.
Originally from South Dakota, Katie graduated with a degree in food science from the University of Minnesota in May and since then has worked as a contract technologist at a major food company. As of January, 2016 she is now working as a Co-Editor for the Kuli Kuli Blog alongside Dave! Katie is interested in anything that has to do with food: where it comes from, how it’s made, and how its production affects the planet. She believes in a hybrid between the conventional food industry and more organic industry of recent years, and feels strongly on the need to bridge the gap between science and the public through writing. As an avid cook and reader, Katie enjoys a wide variety of literature and trying out new recipes. Some of her favorite things in life include hiking, Starbucks, and cats.
Barbara is an avid lover of traveling, eating local, the environment, motorcycles, and holistic health. With a BS in Psychology and previous work experiences ranging from non-profit legal work to managing a restaurant in San Francisco, Barbara enjoys pursuing new experiences and living life while using the most natural and organic means possible. Some of her most memorable life moments include watching little blue penguins return to their nests in Melbourne and swimming in rift of melted glacier water between tectonic plates in Iceland.
A world traveler, as most would refer to her, Morghan is a free spirit with a curiosity and love of life. If she is not swimming in the ocean or in a café writing and researching the latest health trends, Morghan can be found in a hammock or at work daydreaming of being in one of the aforementioned places. An International Business and Marketing graduate, Morghan is the epitome of a dabbler; personal trainer, foodie, writer, coffee coinsure, creator, and traveler. Her passion for “REAL food” led her to spread this awareness through her health coaching and cooking. You are what you eat. Simply put. Frankly, Morghan believes that everyone should be taking this self-inventory to live the healthiest version of themselves, and that starts with food!
Josie was born in coastal Kenya and has resided in Huntsville, Alabama, for 17 years. She is obsessed with keeping herself well and fashionable. While in the Rocket City, Josie launched an awarded clothing company, Josie Wachi, and became a real source of inspiration for style and healthy living. She enjoys blogging about Moringa, the most nutrient-rich plant she grew up around.
Hello, my name is Sofia and I began writing for Kuli Kuli in August, 2014. As an International Studies major at the Johns Hopkins University, I have been exposed to many perspectives on certain global issues and ideas. Having been a Miami, Florida native, I have also come to appreciate different languages and cultures such as Spanish and German. Growing up in a tropical environment provided a large variety of fresh foods and local farmers markets, allowing me to further my education in proper nourishment. I have a strong interest in sustainability, and hope to aid in the development of better independent farming practices. While helping to provide sustainable farming is essential, I feel the best way an area can flourish is through giving it the tools to allow it to eventually efficiently nourish itself. I hope to practice international law in the future and focus my research on Latin American infrastructures. Aside from academics, my interests range from music and art museums to being an active runner.
Katie is a Personal Chef based in Chicago. She specializes in creating delicious, healthy recipes for those with special dietary concerns like gluten-free, oil-free, plant-based, and low-residue. Outside of the kitchen, she is a Fitness Instructor for Equinox, with over 13 years experience in the fitness industry. For fun, she loves to travel, with her most recent travel involving 10 days of hiking in the Patagonia of Argentina and Chile. You can learn more about her and her recipes at: www.plants-rule.com
Meet Ada, a Californian self-proclaimed foodie, gastronaut, food scientist Development Fella at Kuli Kuli. She graduated from the University of California, Davis with a B.S. in Food Science, the Gemological Institute of America Graduate Diamonds Program, and Mel’s Tea Academy as a Tea Taster and Tea Grader. She enjoys baking, reading about awesome food-world developments, and brainstorming lame jokes. (What did the grape say when you stepped on it? Nothing, it just let out a little wine.) Cake is always a viable solution- health and nutrition is important but the key to her happiness is truly the fine balance of “everything in moderation.” She enjoys a good food pun and is super excited to be writing for Kuli Kuli! So, lettuce turnip the beet and get this party started!