How Do You Pick the Perfect Nutritional Energy Bar?
“It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.”
– Roy Disney
I appreciate this quote due to its thought provoking nature and application to many of life’s twists and turns. These words of wisdom are piquing my interest again as I seek answers to my new conundrum: How do athletes navigate all of the options and choose which energy bar to use during their pursuits? I say this because as you stroll through Whole Foods there are over 30 bar brands to choose from. Trust me. I counted. Furthermore, most of the brands have about 5 options based on flavor and type, so that is well over 100 bars staring in your face demanding to “try me!” Feeling a tinge of decision paralysis yet? No worries. We are here to do a battle of the bars to provide some helpful insight. If you are familiar with the Battle of the Greens series, you know that Moringa blasts past the competition when it comes to various super greens and energy shots! What about nutritional energy bars? Can it compete with the popular brands?
Kuli Kuli takes on The Honey Stinger
As an athlete who has actively dabbled in the world of quick nutritional energy bars, I understand the confusion over what and how to choose. Because we are embarking on triathlon and adventure race season, now is the time to hunker down and do some research. And start making the most productive choice. Moreover, I was further inspired after attending the Natural Products Expo West event in Anaheim, California. There were what seemed to be 1,000’s of bars! Many I had never seen before! My bag was overflowing with “you must try” samples. Although sampling is a ton of tasty fun, after around sample 15 I was feeling a little on the energy bar overdose side. So, by taking the advice from Mr. Disney I figured a good starting point for making informed decisions is to focus on the values of athletes. To the athletes I go! I conducted a bit of market research with my racing team and running club here in Colorado. I accumulated robust data on the most popular go-to options for these adventurers. And? Well, the most prevalent response was the Honey Stinger Organic Waffle.
Without further ado let the battle begin!
The Results are In
I suppose this was not much of a battle! I have confidence in the qualify and nutrition of this product, but I am pleasantly surprised at how well moringa performed!
Many of the labels on the bars we see highlight what the product does not have: no sugar, no carbs, low calorie, low sodium, etc. Let’s pivot and start focusing on the importance of knowing what the product does have. For example, a comforting fact about the Kuli Kuli bar is the simplicity of the ingredients. The cherry bar that was in the hot seat contains 7 ingredients: Cherries, almonds, dates, moringa, tapioca syrup, and organic sunflower oil. That’s it! These power foods provide natural nutrients that will sustain athletes on their various endeavors.
If your values are eating a nutritional bar that is pure, simple, effective, and tasty then pick up a Kuli Kuli Moringa Bar! Be the best athlete you can be by putting the best and most powerful ingredients in you! Now off to tell my team about my exciting moringa findings and continue to work on alleviating the nutritional energy bar dilemma!
The Battle of the Greens
If you enjoyed this article then you may be interested in seeing how moringa fares against a host of other green superfoods! If so, be sure check our battle of the greens series. You’ll soon find out that moringa is well on its way to being a nutritional world champion!
Hi Kuli kuli
we feel greatest with your all products Healthy Happy & Smiling.
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