Moringa vs Spinach
In case you didn’t know, March 26th is national spinach day…so get ready! Before you get too excited to chow down on your famous sailor’s favorite treat, you might want to consider trying another supergreen—moringa! Your mom told you spinach is good for you, Popeye swears his reputation by it, Shirley Temple sings about it in “You Gotta Eat Your Spinach, Baby” and even Urban Dictionary defines “Eat Your Spinach” as ‘taking care of your body’. Don’t believe us? See here.
Throughout pop culture, spinach has been drilled into our minds as the ultimate green super food. That was until kale popped onto our radars. OR- better yet, until moringa decided to be the biggest kid on the block. In Round One, moringa delivered a decisive knock out punch against matcha… let’s take a look at how moringa fares against spinach in the Battle of the Greens: Round Three!
Results are in; the judges have spoken. Step aside Spinach because Moringa takes the trophy.
So, who wants to tell Popeye that he’s been doing it all wrong?
Turns out while spinach has been enjoying its fame as the go-to green health food, moringa has been doing the heavy lifting in the background. Adding moringa to your diet is an easy way to improve your overall health and our Kuli Kuli moringa superfood powder can be added to an extremely diverse array of recipes and smoothies. Do your body a favor and try moringa today!
Moringa vs Other Superfoods
Interested in seeing how moringa fares against a host of other green superfoods? Be sure check out the other blogs in our battle of the greens series. You’ll soon find out that moringa is well on its way to being a nutritional world champion!
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