While you may have only seen the word “moringa” in the last few years, how much do you know about it? How does the superfood moringa compare to other superfoods like spirulina?
Moringa has gained recognition from grocery stores and celebrities across the country. Recently, Naomi Campbell and Martha Stewart both cited moringa as a powerful way to nourish and energize the whole body, as well as support greater immune health. In 2016, we launched a “Battle of the Supergreens,” exploring how moringa compared with top superfoods. Here’s a throwback article!
After reading how these two greens compare, why not combine these superfoods and make a Probiotic Moringa Spirulina Smoothie?
Moringa vs Spirulina: A Recap
Morina has been showing up strong in the Battle of the Supergreens, a lively series where we compare supergreens to each other. Just to give you a quick recap, so far moringa has taken out matcha, spinach and kale. So now that moringa holds a respectable 3-0 record, we thought we’d put it up against something a little more competitive.
What could possibly hope to compete with moringa, you ask? This time around we’ll be looking at everyone’s favorite blue-green algae, spirulina.

Spirulina and Moringa Smoothie, anyone?
*Cue dramatic music*
Compared to moringa’s previous super-opponents, this next contender might actually put up a fight. For as you may or may not know, spirulina is a mighty, mighty protein beast. In fact, spirulina is so high in protein that it actually holds the number one spot on two very appealing lists: highest protein content per calorie, and highest protein content per ounce. That’s right, 100 grams of spirulina contains nearly 58 grams of protein! And like moringa, spirulina is a complete plant protein meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids. Not to mention it’s also said to have been eaten by Aztec warriors in preparation for battle.
But you know we’re not here just tell you how great spirulina is. For this battle, moringa will be relying on a few of its old standbys: its incredibly high iron content, as well as its respectable amounts of vitamin A, calcium, and fiber. For this round we will be looking at 10g of Kuli Kuli moringa powder (about 1 tablespoon) vs. 10g of spirulina powder.
So without further ado…the Battle of the Greens begins!!!
The above graphic might be a lot to digest. When it comes to calcium, fiber, iron, Vitamin A, Carbohydrates, and Sodium, moringa wins! We realize it’s not always as simple as winning or losing; however, moringa does seem to have a wider nutritional breadth than spirulina.
Moringa is the Champion!
Moringa knocks out spirulina 7-3 with several decisive wins. As it turns out, spirulina is kind of a one trick pony. Beyond its high protein content, it really wasn’t very competitive in any of the other categories.
Let’s visualize things a little differently in a 100% stacked bar chart. This is a great way to compare the nutritional content of the two foods as you can see the relative differences between moringa and spirulina for each nutrient.
As you can see, moringa did in fact pull off big wins in the vitamin A, calcium, fiber, and iron categories. A single serving of moringa will give you half of your daily recommended iron content which is why it is such a great addition to any vegetarian’s diet. It’s also quite low in sodium, and its protein content is certainly nothing to sneeze at.
Since moringa and spirulina are both complete plant proteins, moringa is really just an all around more nutritious food. Moringa has also been shown to reduce blood sugar, has anti-inflammatory properties, and is a well known lactation enhancer making it a great choice for diabetics, athletes, and new mothers alike.
So now that you know how great moringa is, you may be wondering how to add it to your diet. As you might have guessed, we have an extensive catalog of moringa recipes on our site for your reading pleasure.
This summer 2020, we also have a moringa smoothie giveaway happening! Here’s a quick reminder of how to enter. We can’t wait to see your creations!
1. Post a photo of your delicious Moringa Smoothie
2. Tag @kulikulifoods
3. Use the hashtag #MyMoringaSmoothie
Moringa vs Other Superfoods
Interested in seeing how moringa fares against a host of other green superfoods? Be sure check out the other blogs in our battle of the greens series. You’ll soon find out that moringa is well on its way to being a nutritional world champion!
Kale vs Moringa
Matcha vs Moringa
Spinach vs Moringa
Collard Greens vs Moringa
Swiss Chard vs Moringa
Kelp vs Moringa
There you have it! A bit of the nutritional details behind moringa and spirulina, revealed.
Don’t forget to tag @kulikulifoods in any social media posts you share so we can see your beautiful creations!
Moringa: Kuli Kuli Moringa Powder Nutrition Facts
Spirulina: United States Department of Agriculture National Nutrient Database
Why hasn’t chlorella been put in the ring?
Hi Iva, the Battle of the Greens is an ongoing series. We will likely be featuring chlorella in a future post.
I would also appreciate a Chlorella vs Moringa comparison. Thanks in advance.
I had the same question…Spirulina isn’t the same thing as Chlorella…
I love that you can like see that its been written from the heart or the writer really liked making this page.
I was wondering if it’s safe to take these supplements together.
Wheat grass
Dandelion root
Or could you tell me which of these is better to take as a pairing.
Why not add nutella sativa awesome super food
Nigella sativa
nutella is an awful food full of chemicals
I cannot speak for others but I personally take a Tablespoon of Moringa, Chlorella, Spirullina, Barley Grass, and Wheatgrass at the same time. It could take a day or two for body to adjust to extra fiber. More than likely if you increase water intake their shouldn’t be any problems
Morin father is good for its iron content, but calcium hinders the iron being absorbed, so how much of the iron would actually ‘get through’? ( interested as l have low hemoglobin!)
yes I have had all together except Chlorella haven’t tried that yet.
Spirulina is considered by scientists to be the best functional food in the 21st century. But in this article, MORINGA seems to be a little better than spirulina. But I still love spirulina!
amazing moringa! 🙂
Who did the analysis? You provide No sources and only reference the distributor ie the “champion” of moringa. My tablespoon in metric is 15 grams. 1 tsp is 5 grams. You say your tablespoon is 10g. Perhaps your tablespoon, the actual One used was bigger than 10 g and therefore resulted in inflated results on the side of Moringa.
How about Phycocyanin, Magnesium and Beta-Carotin in Spirulina? In a more fairly competition Spirulina would win easily!
I take 100g Spirulina a Day. Maybe it would be wiser to partition it with Chlorella, Moringa, Afa. I am looking forward to it.
Sorry for my english.
You make a very good point! Thank you for pointing that out!
The information was very enlightening!
Hi Tony,
We are so glad you liked it! Check out the rest of our Battle of the Greens series: https://blog.kulikulifoods.com/?s=battle+of+the+greens
i’m not an expert in Moringa, but i believe this may be an unfair comparison between the two because it didn’t take into consideration other important vitamins and minerals Spirulina has, such as all 8 essential amino acids, omega3, vitamins ( A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, C, D, E and K), ( β-carotene (beta-carotene), Potassium, Magnesium, Zine and many much more.
I would hope to see the battle of all the minerals contain in both plants see have the real picture.
Hi Jon,
That’s a very good point! Although we were trying to give more of a broad overview, we’ll definitely keep this in mind for future posts!
Why is sodium treated as unfavorable but every other mineral and vitamin is good? Is there any difference between overuse of potassium or iron and sodium? Like, too much iron can literally cause liver failure and too much potassium can cause irregular hearthbeat and death…
You have a typo, first word…Morina forgot the G. I think Spirulina is the better of the two. I feel the difference, and the color is very intriguing and attractive.
Spirulina makes me feel better then moringa. Maybe some vitamines and minerals don ‘t go so well together.. Spirulina together with pea protein chocolate makes a nice protein shake.
Thank You So Much for The superb Information…,
God Bless You Sir
I love that you can like see that its been written from the heart or the writer really liked making this page.
Thank you for this super comprehensive article, I am a Moringa consumer myself and I also have a blog and for some time now I have been wanting to know the real difference between these two super foods. I have my answer and I thank you for it.
See you soon
Thank you so much for this educative write-up. I love Moringa.
I love this article so much!! And your battle of the greens concept I live in Zimbabwe where moringa grows well, more and more of us have our own trees. I have almost daily smoothies. I was anemic but not any more and am pretty sure it’s the moringa as I changed nothing else. I give it to my dogs too.
What Spirulina has (and Moringa hasn’t):
Gamma linolenic acid (GLA)
Superoxide dismutase (SOD)
Sulfolipids, such as Sulphoquinovosyldiacylglycerol (SQDG)
Sulfated polysaccharides, such as Calcium spirulan (Ca-SP)
What Spirulina contains more than Moringa
Proteins (in particular essential amino acids)
Vitamin A (Beta Carotene)
What Moringa has (and Spirulina hasn’t)
What Moringa contains more than Spirulina:
Source: https://www.antenna-cambodia.org/single-post/spirulina-vs-moringa