Getting in enough greens on a daily basis can be tough, even on the best of days. Now, with shelter-in-place as the status quo for many places, getting those daily greens is a little tougher. Less trips to the grocery store and no farmer’s market means that for some people, access to fresh greens is especially limited. These three easy pantry meals with moringa can go a long way!

Moringa powder can also help ensure that we still get all those great nutrients on a daily basis. Moringa powder is not only shelf-stable, but it also packs more nutrients than infamous kale – the King of Greens!

One serving (10g) of moringa has 2 times the protein, 4 times the calcium, 6 times the iron, and 1.5 times the fiber than a serving (2 cups) of kale. Moringa is also 48 times higher in vitamin B2 and 2.5 times higher in vitamin B3. Moringa has similar comparisons to spinach and broccoli as well. 

If you’re feeling stuck at home and in need of healthy greens, we are here to help.


Why Moringa As A Daily Green Boost?

Moringa is a nutrient powerhouse, that packs a lot of benefits into a single serving. Moringa has been shown to improve immune health, support hormone health, support metabolism by supporting the thyroid, and support gut health. More importantly right now, moringa powder is shelf-stable for up to two years which makes it the perfect pantry staple. Moringa powder allows you to still get all the benefits of daily greens when you don’t have the daily access to the produce department. The top benefits of moringa are numerous. 

Moringa with Guacamole Made From The Pantry

Moringa with Guacamole!

Moringa powder is easy to add to almost any dish. This makes it a simple way to get added nutrients, without having to eat a plate full of kale or broccoli. So if you aren’t much of a veggie person or if you have little ones at home that are not too keen on their greens, moringa powder will be a great way to sneak in the greens!

Look, let’s face it. Life is a little out of the normal right now. Kids are home, parents are (trying to) work from home while homeschooling and trying to keep it all together. We can’t go out and about like we used to, and sometimes it feels like we are just trying to survive each day.

We are all looking for an easy win right now, right?! Let moringa give you that win. As a mother, I love that my kiddos can get all the benefit of a huge plate of greens without having to eat a bunch of vegetables. Even my pickiest of eaters enjoy these sneaky green ideas!


3 Ideas for Adding Moringa to Your Meals For a Green Boost

Our moringa powder is fine-ground, which makes it blend into many of the “classic” meals and comfort food we know and love. Here’s three ideas to get your wheels turning.

  1. Add moringa to any baked casserole dish.

    Moringa blends beautifully into marinara sauce, making it a great way to get veggies into lasagna. Also check out our amazing mac and cheese recipe that utilizes moringa. Check out these other ways to “moringafy” meals for kids, big and small.

    Healthy Macaroni with Moringa and pantry ingredients

    Healthy Macaroni with Moringa

  2. Add moringa to any baked goods. 

    Moringa pairs well with chocolate since it’s a stronger flavor. Add 1-2 tsp of moringa powder to any baked good to give it a healthy flare! Try these vegan brownies, or these moringa s’mores that will have the whole family enjoying their greens! Baking with moringa is a great way to introduce kids to moringa, because what kid ever passes up dessert?!

  3. Add moringa to your daily smoothie.

    A smoothie a day keeps the doctor away is what I say! Smoothies are a great way to pack a lot of nutrients into one cup. Incorporating 1 tsp of moringa powder is a lot easier than filling the blender with cups of leafy greens. I used to put 4 cups of greens, ½ a cucumber, and ½ a zucchini into my smoothies, then I found moringa! Juggling being a full-time mom and full-time business owner is not easy, so I need my food to be!


My Classic Moringa Smoothie

This is my go-to smoothie that can be made with items from the pantry and freezer. It’s great for when sheltering-in-place or a busy mom on the go!

Moringa smoothie Is A pantry Must

My moringa smoothie with almond butter and chia seeds!


  • 1 scoop Moringa Protein Powder (I love chocolate for this one!)
  • 1 Tsp Organic Moringa (optional, for those that want a little more of that powerful superfood)
  • ½ cup frozen strawberries
  • 1 Tbsp Almond Butter
  • ½ cup frozen riced cauliflower (used instead of ice)
  • 1 Tbsp Chia seeds (extra fiber and omega 3’s)
  • 1 cup coconut milk


    • Blend and enjoy!

The chia seeds help to thicken it up, so you can eat it with a spoon! Add more coconut milk (or almond milk) to make it a thinner, more sippable drink!

Incorporating moringa into your daily life can take a little creativity at times, but the possibilities are there. Luckily, KuliKuli has already created some great go-tos to help get this amazing superfood in daily. The energy shots and moringa bars should be part of any busy mom’s survival kit! The Black Cherry bars have saved me from getting hangry on more than one occasion.

Hope you enjoy adding moringa into your daily routine! It’s a great time to form a new habit so that when life picks up again, you’ve got a whole list of go-to recipes with moringa!

Easy Pantry Meals With Moringa Powder

Did you try any of these tips to add those daily greens into your routine? If so, please let us know in the comments below. We’d love to hear from you.

Follow us @kulikulifoods so we can see some of your favorite ways to add daily greens to your life.