Since Kuli Kuli’s founder, Lisa Curtis, published her first article in November 2013, the Kuli Kuli blog has come a long way. We are always pleased with the amount of applications we get from people interested in writing for us and are very proud of our current team! That being said, we’d like to share some background information about our bloggers with you. At the same time we’d also like to take this opportunity to promote some of our most successful blog posts from each of our authors, past and present. You can click on any author’s name to view all posts they’ve ever written for Kuli Kuli. Enjoy!
Current Active Bloggers
Amanda Kingsley
Amanda was innately drawn to Kuli Kuli because she saw an opportunity to exercise her love for writing by kindling responsibility, passion and awareness in others. Graduating from Umass Amherst with degrees in Psychology, Asian Studies and Public health, she wanted to learn more about food justice, so she immersed herself in different agricultural experiences. After working on organic farms, teaching and traveling to India, it became readily apparent how social justice, nutrition and sustainability are all inter-connected. She dreams of teaching sustainable agriculture to underprivileged women and owning a small farm. Besides eating logs of cheese, Amanda enjoys rock-climbing, sipping whiskey and watching foreign films. She can often be found curled in an armchair reading Tom Robbins, grooving to Stevie Wonder or eagerly ambling towards the nearest thrift store.
Amanda’s Top Post: Deforestation in Haiti
Honorable Mention: Moisturizing Moringa Face Mask
Barbara Lee
Barbara is an avid lover of traveling, eating local, the environment, motorcycles, and holistic health. With a BS in Psychology and previous work experiences ranging from non-profit legal work to managing a restaurant in San Francisco, Barbara enjoys pursuing new experiences and living life while using the most natural and organic means possible. Some of her most memorable life moments include watching little blue penguins return to their nests in Melbourne and swimming a rift or melted glacier water between tectonic plates in Iceland.
Barbara’s Top Post: The Two Ingredient Paleo Cookie
Honorable Mention: 8 Moringa-Inspired Dishes to Beat Diabetes
Carolyn Erving
Carolyn recently graduated from Whitman College with a degree in Environmental Humanities and is excited to return to the Kuli Kuli team after previously working as the blog editor in 2014. A Seattle native, Carolyn is currently preparing to travel in New Zealand and Southeast Asia this winter and spring. Upon her return, she is hoping to pursue a path in the world of editing and publishing. When she isn’t writing for the blog, Carolyn spends her time practicing yoga, reading too many books at one time, and exploring the outdoors in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.
Carolyn’s Top Post: Moringa Smoothies
Honorable Mention: Moringa Berry Breakfast Bars
Dave Keirstead
Dave graduated from the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England with a Master’s Degree in Environmental Sciences. He started as a blogger for Kuli Kuli in August, 2014 and currently works as Kuli Kuli’s Blog Editor alongside Katie Kossow. As a fitness and sustainability enthusiast, he is always excited to learn more about healthy, nutritious foods which can have a positive impact on both human health and our planet. His journey into eating superfoods began after reading vegan ultra-marathoner Scott Jurek’s book, ‘Eat and Run’. Dave is in love with traveling and exploring all of the beautiful natural wonders the world has to offer. He recently completed a week long mountain biking trip across the Alps from Tegernsee, Germany to Riva del Garda, Italy.
Dave’s Top Post: The Happy Planet Index vs. GDP: Measuring the Welfare of Nations
Honorable Mention: The Adventure of a Lifetime: Biking Across the Alps
Katie Kossow
Originally from South Dakota, Katie graduated with a degree in food science from the University of Minnesota in 2015. She now resides in Minneapolis, where she works as a food technologist at a major food company. She started blogging for Kuli Kuli in 2014 and as of January, 2016 she is now working as a Co-Editor for the Kuli Kuli Blog! Katie is interested in anything that has to do with food: where it comes from, how it’s made, and how its production affects the planet. She believes in a hybrid between the conventional food industry and more organic industry of recent years, and feels strongly on the need to bridge the gap between science and the public through writing. Some of her favorite things in life include hiking, coffee, and cats.
Katie’s Top Post: GMOs in Modern Society: How They Can Help and Why We Still Resist Them
Honorable Mention: Battle of Energy: Moringa Green Energy Shots Verses 5 Hour Energy & Surge Energy Shots
Katie Simmons
Katie is a Personal Chef based in Chicago. She specializes in creating delicious, healthy recipes for those with special dietary concerns like gluten-free, oil-free, plant-based, and low-residue. Outside of the kitchen, she is a Fitness Instructor for Equinox, with over 13 years experience in the fitness industry. For fun, she loves to travel, with her most recent travel involving 10 days of hiking in the Patagonia of Argentina and Chile. You can learn more about her and her recipes at: www.plants-rule.com. Katie has written some fantastic recipes for Kuli Kuli so be sure to be check out her articles if you are looking to step up your moringa game!
Katie’s Top Post: Super-Green Your Baking: 4 Tips for Using Moringa Powder in your Baking Recipes
Honorable Mention: Vegan Cream of Broccoli Super Moringa Soup
Marquis Matson
Marquis is a freelance blogger who is passionate about food, hiking and Latin America. She is currently in Ecuador, where she now lives as a writer and explorer, after a year long backpacking trip through Central America. She earned her Masters degree in Marriage and Family Therapy and had previously worked in Higher Education until pursuing her latest adventures. She has been a raw vegan for five years and enjoys a simple and slow lifestyle.
Marquis’s Top Post: Moringa Powder vs. Moringa Capsules: Which Should You Choose?
Honorable Mention: Why is Moringa Good for Men?
Sarah Carusona
Spending time as a kid chasing my older brothers around our neighborhood gave me a healthy competitive nature and desire to be strong. That disposition transferred into my training and career as a professional dancer. I loved challenging my body to move smarter and be stronger. However, I found that I was unsatisfied using my knowledge of the body to simply further my own success. As I began training others and seeing the impact it could have, I decided that this was the path for me. Teaching someone how to use their strength, increase their mobility, and make healthy choices is my passion. It is a great joy to see someone transform both their body and mindset towards health and fitness. My goal is to have you stand strong and be proud of your accomplishments!
Sarah is a recent hire, here is her first post: Four Movements to Include in Every Workout
Former Kuli Kuli Bloggers
ADA YIM (Active January 2015 – January 2016)
Meet Ada, a Californian self-proclaimed foodie, a gastronaut, and a food scientist. She graduated from the University of California, Davis with a B.S. in Food Science, the Gemological Institute of America Graduate Diamonds Program, and Mel’s Tea Academy as a Tea Taster and Tea Grader. – Check out Ada’s Battle of the Greens Series for 1 on 1 comparisons of moringa and other popular greens like matcha and spinach!
Ada’s Top Post: Battle of the Greens – Round One: Moringa versus Matcha
Honorable Mention: 3 Moringa Tips For Healthy Skin
ALEX MONAHAN (Active January 2015 – April 2015)
During his time at Kuli Kuli, Alex Monahan was an undergraduate student attending Stanford University. Alex has a variety of interests, including engineering, economics, and public policy.
Alex’s Top Post: The Magic Moringa Smoothie
DREW THOMAS (Active June 2014 – July 2014)
Drew was one of Kuli Kuli’s first interns. While writing for our blog he was studying Nutritional Science at The University of Minnesota. He once traveled to Rwanda, The DRC, and Burundi with World Relief and witnessed several different development programs involving health, nutrition, business, and peacekeeping. This trip sparked Drew’s interest in sustainable development in Africa, and a huge reason why, he decided to join the Kuli Kuli Team.
Drew’s Top Post: Battle of the Superfoods! Moringa vs. Kale
EMMA HUTCHINSON (Active August 2014 – March 2015)
Emma is a world traveler, a musician, and a nature lover. She sees herself as a future communicator between scientists, economists, policymakers, and the general public to tackle environmental issues. Her past experiences have included a research position with Stanford’s School of Earth Sciences, a summer internship at the Environmental Protection Agency’s Region 8 office, and a TEDx talk at a youth event in Denver.
Emma’s Top Post: How to Grow Your Own Moringa Tree
Honorable Mention: Ten Ways to Reduce Your Impact on the California Drought
JOANN OLSON (Active August 2014 – March 2015)
While working for Kuli Kuli, Joann was a senior in the Didactic Program for Dietetics (DPD) at the University of Minnesota. The area of study for the DPD program includes coursework in: Lifecycle and Advanced Human Nutrition, Metabolism, Biochemistry, Food Safety, Food Science, Medical Nutrition Therapy, and many other professional courses.
Joann’s Top Post: Food Fallacy: Product Packaging Discernment
KAITLYN PIZZOLA (Active August 2014 – December 2014)
During her time with Kuli Kuli, Kaitlyn was a senior at Youngstown State University in Ohio studying for a bachelor’s degree in dietetics. She has a strong passion for the ever changing world of nutrition that surrounds us all and continues to enjoy the constant new findings it brings.
Kaitlyn’s Top Post: The Facts on Fat
LIVVY GREENFIELD (Active January 2015 – August 2015)
Born and raised in Oakland, California, Olivia spent her childhood cooking traditional Jewish recipes with her mothers. As a teen she discovered the Bay Area restaurant scene and began building an interest in locally sourced, seasonal fare. As she began to get more active in her school’s environmental club, her initial curiosity into the food world eventually transformed into a full blown obsession. Her thirst for knowledge of all food systems brought her to study traditional food culture in France, where she completed a field research study in Norman cheeses, worked on a porc noir farm, prepared three course dinners for a yoga retreat center, and cooked with locals as she toured the Spanish coasts. Olivia previously served as a Blog Editor for Kuli Kuli.
Livvy’s Top Post: Vegan Moringa Falafel
Honorable Mention: Tropical Moringa Watermelon Slushie
MORGHAN LONERGAN (Active April 2015 – February 2016)
A world traveler, as most would refer to her, Morghan is a free spirit with a curiosity and love of life. If she is not swimming in the ocean or in a café writing and researching the latest health trends, Morghan can be found in a hammock or at work daydreaming of being in one of the aforementioned places. An International Business and Marketing graduate, Morghan is the epitome of a dabbler; personal trainer, foodie, writer, coffee coinsure, creator, and traveler. Her passion for “REAL food” led her to spread this awareness through her health coaching and cooking.
Morghan’s Top Post: How Can Moringa Help the World Adapt to Climate Change? – A First-hand Look in Peru
Honorable Mention: The Best Prescription on the Market: Whole Foods
SOFIA SCHONENBERG (Active August 2014 – November 2015)
Sofia began writing for Kuli Kuli in August, 2014 as an International Studies major at the Johns Hopkins University. Growing up in a tropical environment ishment. She has a strong interest in sustainability, and hopes to aid in the development of better independent farming practices.
Sofia’s Top Post: Guanabana-Moringa Smoothie
Honorable Mention: Spicy Moringa Black Bean Burgers
Past and Present Contributing Authors
Alison Kjeldgaard
Alison currently works as Communications Fellow for Kuli Kuli.
Alison’s Top Post: Superfoods: Are they as Good for the Planet as they are for You?
Bihongee Sarkar
Binhongee has contributed a number of compelling case studies to the blog.
Bihongee’s Top Post: Case Study: Moringa and Asthma
Courtney Lopez
Courtney currently works as Communications Fellow for Kuli Kuli.
Courtney’s Top Post: Moringa: The Love Tree
Lisa Curtis
Lisa is the founder and CEO of Kuli Kuli foods. Find more info about Lisa and the rest of the core Kuli Kuli team here.
Lisa’s Top Post: Kuli Kuli’s New Moringa Partnership in Haiti
Honorable Mention: When Money Grows on Trees: The Story of Moringa
Manuela Warnar
Manuela is a former Kuli Kuli Communications Fellow.
Manuela’s Top Post: Promising Research on Moringa
Honorable Mention: 5 Delicious Ways to Incorporate Moringa Into Your Diet
Michelle Chirby
Michelle is a former Kuli Kuli Communications Fellow.
Michelle’s Top Post: Case Study: Deterring Diabetes with Moringa
Honorable Mention: Case Study: Moringa for a Healthy Heart
Note: This list does not include guest authors and former bloggers who published fewer than 5 articles.
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